School leaders and record-holders are compiled from our own available season, career, and game-level player data. They are not encompassing of the school's entire statistical history, so please arrive at conclusions carefully. For each statistical category we've noted the season that partitions "complete" seasons from those with statistical gaps and missing data.

If we're missing a player's data that you know represents a season or career record or leaderboard entry, please let us know and we may add it.

Season Leaders

1. Brevin Knight, 1996-97 234
2. Brevin Knight, 1995-96 212
3. Marcus Lollie, 1991-92 189
4. Mitch Johnson, 2007-08 188
5. Brevin Knight, 1994-95 184
6. Keith Ramee, 1985-86 178
7. Michael McDonald, 2000-01 165
8. Arthur Lee, 1997-98 161
Terry Taylor, 1987-88 161
10. Daejon Davis, 2017-18 160
Complete 1950-51 to 2024-25
Assist Percentage
1. Mitch Johnson, 2007-08 30.3
2. Daejon Davis, 2017-18 29.2
3. Jaylen Blakes, 2024-25 29.1
4. Jarrett Mann, 2009-10 28.8
5. Mitch Johnson, 2005-06 28.7
6. Jarrett Mann, 2010-11 27.7
7. Daejon Davis, 2018-19 27.7
8. Robert Cartwright, 2016-17 27.5
9. Michael O'Connell, 2021-22 27.3
10. Mitch Johnson, 2008-09 27.3
Complete 2001-02 to 2024-25
Assists Per Game
1. Brevin Knight, 1996-97 7.8
2. Brevin Knight, 1995-96 7.3
3. Brevin Knight, 1994-95 6.6
4. Marcus Lollie, 1991-92 6.5
5. Keith Ramee, 1985-86 5.9
6. Brevin Knight, 1993-94 5.4
7. Mitch Johnson, 2007-08 5.2
8. Terry Taylor, 1986-87 5.1
9. Mike Bratz, 1975-76 4.9
10. Terry Taylor, 1987-88 4.9
Complete 1950-51 to 2024-25
1. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 83
Robin Lopez, 2007-08 83
3. Robin Lopez, 2006-07 73
4. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 71
5. Josh Huestis, 2013-14 69
6. Brook Lopez, 2007-08 56
7. Tim Young, 1996-97 50
8. Matt Haryasz, 2005-06 47
9. Josh Childress, 2002-03 46
10. Brook Lopez, 2006-07 45
Complete 1976-77 to 2024-25
Block Percentage
1. Robin Lopez, 2006-07 7.0
2. Robin Lopez, 2007-08 6.8
3. Josh Huestis, 2011-12 6.4
4. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 6.2
5. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 6.2
6. Michael Humphrey, 2015-16 6.2
7. Josh Huestis, 2013-14 5.9
8. Josh Sharma, 2018-19 5.5
9. Brook Lopez, 2006-07 4.9
10. Brook Lopez, 2007-08 4.9
Complete 2001-02 to 2024-25
Blocks Per Game
1. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 2.9
2. Robin Lopez, 2006-07 2.4
3. Robin Lopez, 2007-08 2.3
4. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 2.1
5. Brook Lopez, 2007-08 2.1
6. Josh Huestis, 2013-14 1.9
7. Brook Lopez, 2006-07 1.7
8. Matt Haryasz, 2005-06 1.7
9. Tim Young, 1996-97 1.7
10. Kent Seymour, 1984-85 1.5
Complete 1976-77 to 2024-25
Box Plus/Minus
1. Oscar Da Silva, 2020-21 9.7
2. Oscar Da Silva, 2019-20 8.0
3. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 7.8
4. Josh Owens, 2011-12 7.4
5. Spencer Jones, 2022-23 7.3
6. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 7.3
7. Spencer Jones, 2021-22 7.2
8. Anthony Brown, 2014-15 7.1
9. Dwight Powell, 2012-13 6.8
10. Spencer Jones, 2019-20 6.7
Complete 2010-11 to 2024-25
Defensive Box Plus/Minus
1. Josh Huestis, 2011-12 3.9
2. Josh Owens, 2011-12 3.8
3. Daejon Davis, 2019-20 3.7
4. Oscar Da Silva, 2019-20 3.6
5. Bryce Wills, 2019-20 3.6
6. Dwight Powell, 2010-11 3.4
7. Andy Brown, 2012-13 3.3
8. Spencer Jones, 2020-21 3.3
9. Michael O'Connell, 2020-21 3.2
10. Oscar Da Silva, 2020-21 3.1
Complete 2010-11 to 2024-25
Defensive Rebounds
1. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 242
2. Maxime Raynaud, 2023-24 234
3. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 223
4. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 221
5. Anthony Brown, 2014-15 214
6. Dwight Powell, 2012-13 213
7. Josh Huestis, 2013-14 204
8. Reid Travis, 2017-18 202
9. Landry Fields, 2009-10 199
10. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 196
Tim Young, 1997-98 196
Complete 2003-04 to 2024-25
Defensive Rebound Percentage
1. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 29.4
2. Maxime Raynaud, 2023-24 27.9
3. Dwight Powell, 2012-13 26.6
4. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 23.1
5. Maxime Raynaud, 2022-23 23.0
6. Michael Humphrey, 2017-18 22.6
7. Josh Sharma, 2018-19 22.2
8. Michael Humphrey, 2015-16 21.9
9. Reid Travis, 2016-17 21.7
10. Landry Fields, 2009-10 20.6
Complete 2009-10 to 2024-25
Defensive Win Shares
1. Robin Lopez, 2007-08 4.1
2. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 3.6
3. Tim Young, 1998-99 3.6
4. Brook Lopez, 2007-08 3.5
5. Mark Madsen, 1998-99 3.4
6. Josh Childress, 2002-03 3.3
7. Jason Collins, 2000-01 3.3
8. Arthur Lee, 1998-99 3.1
9. Tim Young, 1996-97 3.1
10. Tim Young, 1997-98 3.0
Complete 1995-96 to 2024-25
Effective Field Goal Percentage
1. Adam Keefe, 1989-90 .627
2. John Revelli, 1983-84 .623
3. Howard Wright, 1987-88 .622
4. Kimberly Belton, 1978-79 .619
5. Casey Jacobsen, 2000-01 .613
6. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 .611
7. Todd Lichti, 1987-88 .603
8. John Revelli, 1981-82 .603
9. Maxime Raynaud, 2023-24 .598
10. Oscar Da Silva, 2020-21 .594
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
Field Goals
1. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 275
2. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 252
3. Reid Travis, 2017-18 250
4. Landry Fields, 2009-10 248
5. Todd Lichti, 1988-89 240
6. Keith Jones, 1983-84 239
7. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 226
8. Todd Lichti, 1987-88 222
9. Chasson Randle, 2013-14 218
10. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 217
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
3-Point Field Goals
1. Jeremy Green, 2009-10 93
2. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 90
3. Jeremy Green, 2010-11 88
4. Chasson Randle, 2011-12 85
5. Casey Jacobsen, 2000-01 84
6. Dion Cross, 1994-95 82
7. Spencer Jones, 2019-20 81
8. Anthony Brown, 2014-15 79
Julius Barnes, 2002-03 79
Matt Lottich, 2002-03 79
Peter Dukes, 1991-92 79
Complete 1986-87 to 2024-25
3-Point Field Goal Attempts
1. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 248
2. Jeremy Green, 2009-10 244
3. Julius Barnes, 2002-03 226
4. Matt Lottich, 2002-03 207
5. Jeremy Green, 2010-11 205
6. Chasson Randle, 2011-12 194
7. Matt Lottich, 2003-04 191
8. Spencer Jones, 2019-20 188
9. Dion Cross, 1995-96 187
10. Anthony Goods, 2007-08 185
Spencer Jones, 2022-23 185
Complete 1986-87 to 2024-25
3-Point Field Goal Percentage
1. Dion Cross, 1994-95 .480
2. Chris Hernandez, 2005-06 .472
3. Peter Dukes, 1991-92 .470
4. Spencer Jones, 2019-20 .431
5. Jeremy Green, 2010-11 .429
6. Dion Cross, 1995-96 .401
7. Jeremy Green, 2009-10 .381
Complete 1986-87 to 2024-25
Field Goal Attempts
1. Ron Tomsic, 1952-53 626
2. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 539
3. Landry Fields, 2009-10 506
4. Don Griffin, 1968-69 502
5. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 488
6. Keith Jones, 1983-84 487
7. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 480
8. Reid Travis, 2017-18 474
9. Casey Jacobsen, 2001-02 465
10. Chasson Randle, 2013-14 460
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
Field Goal Percentage
1. Adam Keefe, 1989-90 .627
2. John Revelli, 1983-84 .623
3. Howard Wright, 1987-88 .622
4. Kimberly Belton, 1978-79 .619
5. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 .609
6. John Revelli, 1981-82 .603
7. Kimberly Belton, 1979-80 .584
8. Reid Travis, 2016-17 .579
9. Howard Wright, 1988-89 .578
10. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 .576
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
Free Throws
1. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 203
2. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 200
3. Casey Jacobsen, 2001-02 184
4. Adam Keefe, 1989-90 179
Adam Keefe, 1991-92 179
Landry Fields, 2009-10 179
7. Todd Lichti, 1987-88 174
8. Chasson Randle, 2013-14 171
9. Keith Jones, 1982-83 167
10. Brevin Knight, 1996-97 166
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
Free Throw Attempts
1. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 267
2. Landry Fields, 2009-10 257
3. Adam Keefe, 1989-90 247
4. Reid Travis, 2017-18 243
5. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 240
6. Casey Jacobsen, 2001-02 237
7. John Revelli, 1983-84 233
8. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 228
9. Keith Jones, 1982-83 224
10. Chasson Randle, 2013-14 223
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
Free Throw Percentage
1. Ryan Mendez, 2000-01 .931
2. Dion Cross, 1995-96 .920
3. Chris Hernandez, 2003-04 .914
4. Chris Hernandez, 2005-06 .901
5. Tyrell Terry, 2019-20 .891
6. Arthur Lee, 1997-98 .886
7. Arthur Lee, 1998-99 .886
8. Todd Lichti, 1987-88 .879
9. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 .877
10. Todd Lichti, 1988-89 .850
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
Minutes Played
1. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 1347
2. Anthony Brown, 2014-15 1320
3. Josh Huestis, 2013-14 1266
4. Chasson Randle, 2013-14 1263
5. Anthony Brown, 2013-14 1206
6. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 1204
7. Reid Travis, 2017-18 1190
8. Dwight Powell, 2013-14 1167
9. Landry Fields, 2009-10 1161
10. Julius Barnes, 2002-03 1158
Complete 1996-97 to 2024-25
Minutes Played Per Game
1. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 37.2
2. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 36.5
3. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 36.4
4. Landry Fields, 2009-10 36.3
5. Brian Welch, 1980-81 36.3
6. Wolfe Perry, 1978-79 36.0
7. Kimberly Belton, 1979-80 35.8
8. Anthony Brown, 2014-15 35.7
9. Adam Keefe, 1989-90 35.5
10. Casey Jacobsen, 2001-02 35.3
Complete 1996-97 to 2024-25
Offensive Box Plus/Minus
1. Oscar Da Silva, 2020-21 6.6
2. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 6.4
3. Spencer Jones, 2022-23 6.2
4. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 6.0
5. Spencer Jones, 2021-22 5.6
6. Anthony Brown, 2014-15 5.5
7. Reid Travis, 2016-17 4.9
8. Reid Travis, 2017-18 4.6
9. Rosco Allen, 2015-16 4.6
10. Chasson Randle, 2013-14 4.6
Complete 2010-11 to 2024-25
Offensive Rebounds
1. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 134
2. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 111
3. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 109
4. Reid Travis, 2017-18 104
5. Justin Davis, 2002-03 96
6. Reid Travis, 2016-17 93
Robin Lopez, 2007-08 93
8. Jason Collins, 2000-01 92
Mark Madsen, 1997-98 92
Matt Haryasz, 2004-05 92
Complete 2003-04 to 2024-25
Offensive Rebound Percentage
1. Josh Sharma, 2018-19 13.4
2. Reid Travis, 2016-17 13.3
3. Reid Travis, 2014-15 11.3
4. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 11.2
5. James Keefe, 2021-22 11.0
6. Josh Owens, 2010-11 10.9
7. Michael Humphrey, 2016-17 10.8
8. Reid Travis, 2017-18 10.2
9. Maxime Raynaud, 2022-23 10.1
10. Josh Huestis, 2011-12 9.9
Complete 2009-10 to 2024-25
Offensive Win Shares
1. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 4.7
2. Casey Jacobsen, 2000-01 4.7
3. Jason Collins, 2000-01 4.3
4. Landry Fields, 2009-10 4.2
5. Reid Travis, 2017-18 3.8
6. Chris Hernandez, 2005-06 3.6
7. Anthony Brown, 2014-15 3.6
8. Arthur Lee, 1997-98 3.5
9. Chasson Randle, 2013-14 3.4
10. Casey Jacobsen, 1999-00 3.4
Complete 1995-96 to 2024-25
Player Efficiency Rating
1. Landry Fields, 2009-10 28.9
2. Oscar Da Silva, 2020-21 27.6
3. Oscar Da Silva, 2019-20 25.9
4. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 25.7
5. Reid Travis, 2016-17 25.4
6. Josh Sharma, 2018-19 25.3
7. Maxime Raynaud, 2023-24 23.6
8. Reid Travis, 2017-18 23.5
9. Dwight Powell, 2012-13 23.3
10. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 22.5
Complete 2009-10 to 2024-25
Personal Fouls
1. Stefan Nastic, 2014-15 137
2. Stefan Nastic, 2013-14 119
3. Michael Humphrey, 2017-18 116
4. Dwight Powell, 2013-14 113
5. Chasson Randle, 2011-12 111
6. John Revelli, 1980-81 108
7. Rob Little, 2002-03 106
Tim Young, 1997-98 106
9. Dwight Powell, 2012-13 104
Josh Sharma, 2018-19 104
Michael Humphrey, 2016-17 104
Complete 1996-97 to 2024-25
1. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 734
2. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 724
3. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 709
4. Landry Fields, 2009-10 704
5. Reid Travis, 2017-18 682
6. Chasson Randle, 2013-14 675
7. Todd Lichti, 1987-88 664
8. Todd Lichti, 1988-89 663
9. Casey Jacobsen, 2001-02 658
10. Keith Jones, 1983-84 619
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
Points Per Game
1. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 25.3
2. Landry Fields, 2009-10 22.0
3. Casey Jacobsen, 2001-02 21.9
4. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 21.5
5. Claude Terry, 1971-72 21.2
6. Claude Terry, 1970-71 20.9
7. Tom Dose, 1962-63 20.8
8. Arthur Harris, 1967-68 20.8
9. Don Griffin, 1968-69 20.5
10. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 20.2
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
1. Brevin Knight, 1996-97 83
2. Brevin Knight, 1994-95 78
3. Brevin Knight, 1993-94 77
4. Brevin Knight, 1995-96 60
5. Arthur Lee, 1998-99 59
Mike Bratz, 1976-77 59
7. Daejon Davis, 2019-20 55
Keith Ramee, 1984-85 55
9. Keith Ramee, 1985-86 53
10. Chris Hernandez, 2004-05 52
Complete 1976-77 to 2024-25
Steal Percentage
1. Jaylen Blakes, 2024-25 3.4
2. Daejon Davis, 2019-20 3.0
3. Marcus Allen, 2016-17 3.0
4. Spencer Jones, 2023-24 2.8
5. Daejon Davis, 2018-19 2.8
6. Michael O'Connell, 2020-21 2.8
7. Andy Brown, 2012-13 2.7
8. Marcus Allen, 2015-16 2.7
9. Josh Owens, 2011-12 2.7
10. Benny Gealer, 2024-25 2.7
Complete 2009-10 to 2024-25
Steals Per Game
1. Brevin Knight, 1994-95 2.8
2. Brevin Knight, 1996-97 2.8
3. Brevin Knight, 1993-94 2.8
4. Mike Bratz, 1976-77 2.2
5. Brevin Knight, 1995-96 2.1
6. Keith Ramee, 1984-85 2.0
7. Arthur Lee, 1998-99 1.8
8. Jaylen Blakes, 2024-25 1.8
9. Keith Ramee, 1985-86 1.8
10. Chris Hernandez, 2004-05 1.7
Complete 1976-77 to 2024-25
1. Daejon Davis, 2017-18 132
2. Keith Jones, 1983-84 114
3. Brevin Knight, 1995-96 105
4. Dwight Powell, 2013-14 104
Julius Barnes, 2002-03 104
6. Brevin Knight, 1996-97 103
7. Brevin Knight, 1993-94 101
Jarrett Mann, 2009-10 101
9. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 96
10. Brevin Knight, 1994-95 95
Complete 1996-97 to 2024-25
Turnover Percentage
1. Keith Ramee, 1985-86 39.3
2. Keith Ramee, 1983-84 37.7
3. Keith Ramee, 1984-85 37.0
4. Mitch Johnson, 2005-06 35.9
5. Jarrett Mann, 2009-10 33.1
6. Mitch Johnson, 2006-07 29.9
7. Earl Koberlein, 1983-84 29.6
8. Daejon Davis, 2017-18 29.6
9. Jarrett Mann, 2010-11 28.0
10. Tony Giovacchini, 2001-02 27.9
Complete 2011-12 to 2024-25
Total Rebounds
1. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 355
2. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 332
3. Rich Kelley, 1972-73 331
4. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 326
5. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 313
Rich Kelley, 1973-74 313
7. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 307
8. Maxime Raynaud, 2023-24 306
Reid Travis, 2017-18 306
10. Ed Schweitzer, 1975-76 302
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
Total Rebound Percentage
1. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 20.0
2. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 19.1
3. Maxime Raynaud, 2023-24 19.1
4. Justin Davis, 2002-03 18.4
5. Josh Sharma, 2018-19 17.9
6. Reid Travis, 2016-17 17.5
7. Josh Huestis, 2012-13 16.7
8. Maxime Raynaud, 2022-23 16.5
9. Dwight Powell, 2012-13 16.4
10. Matt Haryasz, 2004-05 16.3
Complete 2001-02 to 2024-25
Total Rebounds Per Game
1. Rich Kelley, 1972-73 13.2
2. Rich Kelley, 1973-74 12.5
3. Adam Keefe, 1991-92 12.2
4. Rich Kelley, 1974-75 11.5
5. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 11.4
6. Ed Schweitzer, 1975-76 11.2
7. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 10.9
8. Barry Brown, 1955-56 10.8
9. Tom Dose, 1962-63 10.8
10. Don Carlson, 1952-53 10.6
Complete 1964-65 to 2024-25
True Shooting Percentage
1. Jason Collins, 2000-01 .687
2. Josh Sharma, 2018-19 .680
3. Brandon Angel, 2023-24 .675
4. Chris Hernandez, 2003-04 .664
5. Todd Lichti, 1987-88 .664
6. Adam Keefe, 1989-90 .662
7. John Revelli, 1981-82 .658
8. Adam Keefe, 1990-91 .655
9. John Revelli, 1983-84 .653
10. Casey Jacobsen, 2000-01 .650
Complete 2020-21 to 2024-25
Usage Percentage
1. Brook Lopez, 2007-08 33.7
2. Landry Fields, 2009-10 31.5
3. Maxime Raynaud, 2024-25 30.7
4. Casey Jacobsen, 2001-02 28.5
5. Brook Lopez, 2006-07 28.5
6. Oscar Da Silva, 2019-20 28.0
7. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 27.9
8. Reid Travis, 2016-17 27.6
9. Oscar Da Silva, 2020-21 27.4
10. Kezie Okpala, 2018-19 27.3
Complete 2001-02 to 2024-25
Win Shares
1. Jason Collins, 2000-01 7.5
2. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 6.9
3. Mark Madsen, 1998-99 6.5
4. Chasson Randle, 2014-15 6.3
5. Casey Jacobsen, 2000-01 6.0
6. Landry Fields, 2009-10 6.0
7. Robin Lopez, 2007-08 5.9
8. Arthur Lee, 1998-99 5.8
9. Tim Young, 1998-99 5.6
10. Brook Lopez, 2007-08 5.4
Complete 1995-96 to 2024-25
Win Shares Per 40 Minutes
1. Jason Collins, 2000-01 .336
2. Curtis Borchardt, 2001-02 .308
3. Tim Young, 1998-99 .272
4. Tim Young, 1996-97 .272
5. Robin Lopez, 2007-08 .269
6. Mark Madsen, 1998-99 .267
7. Brook Lopez, 2007-08 .261
8. David Moseley, 1999-00 .257
9. Oscar Da Silva, 2020-21 .224
10. Oscar Da Silva, 2019-20 .223
Complete 1996-97 to 2024-25