Per Game

Per Game Table
Season Team Conf Class Pos G FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST STL BLK PTS Awards
1991-92 Georgia SEC FR G 28 1.1 3.0 .353 0.5 1.6 .311 0.6 1.4 .400 .435 0.5 0.5 .933 1.2 0.9 0.3 0.0 3.1
1992-93 Georgia SEC SO G 31 2.2 6.6 .330 0.5 2.3 .236 1.6 4.3 .381 .371 1.5 2.0 .774 3.2 4.8 0.8 0.2 6.5
1994-95 Northern Illinois MW Coll JR G 31 3.2 7.4 .426 1.1 2.6 .407 2.1 4.8 .436 .498 0.7 1.2 .583 8.1 4.5 1.9 0.0 8.1
1995-96 Northern Illinois MW Coll SR G 27 2.9 9.6 .305 1.1 5.3 .211 1.8 4.3 .419 .363 1.1 1.4 .789 2.7 6.1 2.1 0.2 8.1
Career 117 2.4 6.7 .353 0.8 2.9 .276 1.5 3.8 .411 .413 1.0 1.3 .748 3.9 4.1 1.3 0.1 6.5
Georgia (2 Yrs) 59 1.7 4.9 .337 0.5 2.0 .265 1.1 2.9 .385 .390 1.1 1.3 .805 2.3 2.9 0.6 0.1 4.9
Northern Illinois (2 Yrs) 58 3.1 8.4 .362 1.1 3.8 .283 2.0 4.6 .429 .426 0.9 1.3 .689 5.6 5.2 2.0 0.1 8.1
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Totals Table
Season Team Conf Class Pos G FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST STL BLK PTS Awards
1991-92 Georgia SEC FR G 28 30 85 .353 14 45 .311 16 40 .400 .435 14 15 .933 34 25 7 1 88
1992-93 Georgia SEC SO G 31 68 206 .330 17 72 .236 51 134 .381 .371 48 62 .774 99 148 26 5 201
1994-95 Northern Illinois MW Coll JR G 31 98 230 .426 33 81 .407 65 149 .436 .498 21 36 .583 250 139 60 1 250
1995-96 Northern Illinois MW Coll SR G 27 79 259 .305 30 142 .211 49 117 .419 .363 30 38 .789 74 165 56 6 218
Career 117 275 780 .353 94 340 .276 181 440 .411 .413 113 151 .748 457 477 149 13 757
Georgia (2 Yrs) 59 98 291 .337 31 117 .265 67 174 .385 .390 62 77 .805 133 173 33 6 289
Northern Illinois (2 Yrs) 58 177 489 .362 63 223 .283 114 266 .429 .426 51 74 .689 324 304 116 7 468
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