Per Game

Per Game Table
Season Team Conf Class Pos G GS MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS Awards
1998-99 Arkansas SEC FR G 26 0 6.0 0.8 2.7 .300 0.8 2.4 .323 0.0 0.3 .125 .443 0.4 0.6 .667 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.3 2.8
1999-00 Arkansas SEC SO G 22 3 12.6 1.9 4.8 .390 1.4 3.7 .370 0.5 1.1 .458 .533 1.0 1.2 .852 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.0 0.2 0.0 2.3 2.5 6.1
2000-01 Did not play - transfer
2001-02 Southwest Missouri State MVC JR G 29 0 9.1 1.0 2.3 .412 0.9 2.2 .397 0.1 0.2 .600 .596 0.1 0.1 1.000 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6 2.9
2002-03 Southwest Missouri State MVC SR G 24 1 7.8 0.9 1.8 .500 0.8 1.6 .526 0.0 0.2 .250 .738 0.6 0.7 .875 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.5 3.2
Career 101 4 8.8 1.1 2.8 .389 0.9 2.4 .389 0.2 0.4 .390 .556 0.5 0.6 .823 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.9 3.6
Arkansas (2 Yrs) 48 3 9.0 1.3 3.6 .354 1.0 3.0 .350 0.3 0.7 .375 .497 0.7 0.9 .786 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.0 1.3 1.3 4.3
Southwest Missouri State (2 Yrs) 53 1 8.5 0.9 2.1 .445 0.8 1.9 .446 0.1 0.2 .444 .650 0.3 0.4 .900 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.5 3.0
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Totals Table
Season Team Conf Class Pos G GS MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS Awards
1998-99 Arkansas SEC FR G 26 0 155 21 70 .300 20 62 .323 1 8 .125 .443 10 15 .667 10 9 3 0 11 8 72
1999-00 Arkansas SEC SO G 22 3 278 41 105 .390 30 81 .370 11 24 .458 .533 23 27 .852 6 13 19 23 5 0 50 55 135
2000-01 Did not play - transfer
2001-02 Southwest Missouri State MVC JR G 29 0 263 28 68 .412 25 63 .397 3 5 .600 .596 4 4 1.000 2 12 14 13 1 0 17 18 85
2002-03 Southwest Missouri State MVC SR G 24 1 188 21 42 .500 20 38 .526 1 4 .250 .738 14 16 .875 1 8 9 6 4 0 11 11 76
Career 101 4 884 111 285 .389 95 244 .389 16 41 .390 .556 51 62 .823 9 33 52 51 13 0 89 92 368
Arkansas (2 Yrs) 48 3 433 62 175 .354 50 143 .350 12 32 .375 .497 33 42 .786 6 13 29 32 8 0 61 63 207
Southwest Missouri State (2 Yrs) 53 1 451 49 110 .445 45 101 .446 4 9 .444 .650 18 20 .900 3 20 23 19 5 0 28 29 161

Per 40 Minutes

Per 40 Minutes Table
Season School Conf Class G GS MP FG FGA FG% 2P 2PA 2P% 3P 3PA 3P% FT FTA FT% TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS
2001-02Missouri StateMVCJR2902634.310.3.4120.50.8.6003.89.6.3970.60.61.0002.
2002-03Missouri StateMVCSR2411884.58.9.5000.20.9.2504.38.1.5263.03.4.8751.
Missouri State5314514.39.8.4450.40.8.4444.09.0.4461.61.8.9002.


Advanced Table
Season School Conf Class G GS MP TS% eFG% 3PAr FTr PProd ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG%   OWS DWS WS WS/40
2001-02Missouri StateMVCJR290263.608.596.926.0593.
2002-03Missouri StateMVCSR241188.766.738.905.38118.
Missouri State531451.674.650.918.1823.

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