Data Coverage

CFB Reference

Complete college football statistics become more and more difficult to obtain the further you go back in time. We currently have complete team and player season data coverage for the following:

  • 1956-1975: Offensive statistics for all Division I-A (or equivalent) schools and players.
  • 1976-present: Offensive, defensive (interceptions), and special teams statistics for all FBS / Division I-A (or equivalent) schools and players, except for school special teams, which are complete beginning in 1977.
  • 2000-present: Two-point conversions and safeties for all FBS / Division 1-A (or equivalent) schools and players.
  • 2005-present: Full defensive statistics (tackles, fumble recoveries, sacks) for all FBS / Division I-A (or equivalent) schools and players.

Additionally, we have coverage for AP National Champs back to 1936, teams of Heisman winners back to 1938, and most traditional powers back to at least 1950.

Note: Bowl game stats are included in player and team totals since 2002. In seasons before 2002, team wins or losses in bowl games count towards their record, but statistics compiled in these games do not count towards season totals. Thus, you can find instances where a team's wins and losses exceed the total number of games played by one game.

Stathead: College Football

Stathead has the same level of player season data coverage as College Football Reference dating back to 1956. Pre-1956 seasons, including AP National Champs and Heisman team winners are not available. Please use CFB Reference for pre-1956 research.

Stathead’s team season coverage also generally mirrors College Football Reference back to 1956. Special Teams data is only available in Stathead back to 1977. Season results such as wins and losses are available back to 1869.

Stathead includes bowl games in stats for player and team seasons beginning in 2002.

We have game-level coverage for players and teams for the following:

2000-present: Offensive statistics for all FBS / Division I-A (or equivalent) schools and players, along with defensive interceptions, and special teams statistics.

2005-present: Full defensive statistics (tackles, fumble recoveries, sacks) for all FBS / Division I-A (or equivalent) schools and players.

Player and team stats from bowl games are included since 2002. Team scores and game results (regular season and bowls) available back to 1869.

Draft Coverage

College football draft coverage is available for essentially 100% of all players on College Football Reference. However, only players who played for FBS/D1-A (or equivalent) schools for whom we have stats will appear. This means non-FBS players and those for whom we have no stats will be missing from results. The percentage of all players drafted that appear in searches varies by year, gradually declining back to 1956, but is 90% complete or better since the mid-2010s.

Missing Data

Note: We are currently missing the following team season statistics; if you can help us with any of the missing data please let us know!

  • 1956 new-mexico-state,north-texas
  • 1957 new-mexico-state,texas-el-paso
  • 1958 new-mexico-state,texas-el-paso
  • 1959 texas-el-paso
  • 1960 xavier
  • 1963 lehigh
  • 1964 detroit-mercy,lehigh
  • 1965 lehigh,quantico-marines
  • 1968 xavier
  • 1969 cal-state-los-angeles,california-santa-barbara
  • 1970 cal-state-los-angeles,california-santa-barbara,xavier
  • 1971 cal-state-los-angeles,california-santa-barbara,drake
  • 1972 drake,southern-illinois
  • 1973 louisiana-lafayette,xavier
  • 1974 citadel,tampa
  • 1975 akron,citadel,illinois-state
  • 1976 northwestern-state
  • 1979 connecticut
  • 1982 drake,illinois-state,indiana-state,north-texas,richmond,southern-illinois,west-texas-am,william-mary
  • 1983 drake,illinois-state,indiana-state,richmond,southern-illinois,west-texas-am,william-mary
  • 1984 drake,illinois-state,indiana-state,southern-illinois,west-texas-am
  • 1985 drake,illinois-state,indiana-state,southern-illinois,west-texas-am